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Environmental Policy 

We believe that all businesses are responsible for achieving and maintaining good environmental practice and operating in a sustainable manner, to the best of their ability.

At Breeze, we are totally committed to reducing our environmental impact as much as possible, continually improving our environmental performance as an integral and fundamental part of our business strategy and operating methods.


Our policy is to

  • Wholly support, comply with and wherever possible exceed current environmental legislation requirements and codes of practice

  • Assess, measure and minimise our waste in all areas and conserve, reuse and recycle as much as possible

  • Minimise consumption of energy, water and natural resources, especially when they are non-renewable, in our building, vehicles and processes, to conserve supplies

  • Operate and maintain vehicles and machinery with due regard to environmental issues as far as is reasonably practical and encourage the use of alternative means of deliveries and collections

  • Strive to continually reduce our air, water, noise and light pollution and reduce any impact from our operations on the environment and the local community

  • As far as possible purchase and use products, materials, resources and services that minimise damage to the environment and can be recycled, from suppliers with like-minded ethos and policies, and to encourage our suppliers, customers and business associates to do the same

  • Assess, measure and minimise the environmental impact and pollution of any new processes or products we intend to introduce in advance

  • Use prudent, careful housekeeping and sensible operating procedures to minimise energy and resource usage and maximise the efficiency with which they are used

  • Ensure that all our people understand our environmental policy, conform to the high standards it requires and constantly strive to improve our performance

  • Wherever possible, set measurable objectives and performance targets for us to achieve, thus encouraging awareness of environmental issues

  • Communicate knowledge and awareness of and guidance in carrying out this policy, by updating it regularly in consultation with our people, suppliers, customers, and associates, and regularly checking for technological advances in energy and resource conservation.

  • Address and resolve any complaint about any breach of our Environmental Policy promptly and to the satisfaction of all concerned

Copyright © All Rights Reserved. Breeze Limited 2023

Breeze House, Albert Close, Manchester, M45 8EH | Registered Company No. 01789286 

Freephone: 0800 435 896 | Tel: 0161 796 3600 | Email:

Accredited square.png

ISO 9001:2015

ISO 14001:2015

ISO 27001:2013

Certificate Number 11119


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